Unifor in the Aerospace Sector

Membership Graphic

Aerospace industry by the numbers

Shortages and investment in aerospace

Membership across Canada

Above is the geographical depiction of units across Canada; Greater Montreal insert needed because of concentration. Information on : Locals, Membership, Type of production, Sectors, etc.

Province Local City Members
Bombardier 62 Dorval 2200
Les Plastiques Flexibulb 155-Q Trois-Rivières 10
MDA 508 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue 200
Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) 510 Longueuil 2300
CAE 522 Montréal 580
Mecaer America 698 Laval 75
Vax-Aéro International 698 Montréal/Boucherville 40
Produits intégrés Avior 698 Laval 50
Produits intégrés Avior 728 Montréal 100
Solutions FACC (Canada) 698 Dorval/Laval 40
Tecnickrome Aéroautique 700 Montréal 80
Delastek 1209 Shawinigan 25
Héroux-Devtek (office) 2889 Longueuil 15
Héroux-Devtek (plant) 2889 Longueuil 265
CMC Électronique (office) 2889 Montréal 165
CMC Électronique (plant) 2889 Montréal 205
TOTAL 6350
Bombardier (office) 673 Toronto 220
Bombardier (plant) 112 Toronto 1200
MDA (office) 673 Missaussaga 25
MDA (plant) 112 Missaussaga 25
Genaire 199 Niagara-on-the-Lake 40
Aircraft Appliances and Equipment Limited (AAE) 252 Brampton 10
Metal Improvement Company (MIC) 252 Brampton 50
FTG Aerospace 303 Toronto 70
Longview Aviation (De Havilland Canada) 673 Toronto 75
Heligear Canada (Northstar Aerospace) 444 Tecumseh 90
TOTAL 1805
Magellan Aerospace 3005 Winnipeg 350
Boeing Canada 2169 Winnipeg 1100
TOTAL 1450
British Columbia
Viking Air (De Havilland Canada) 114 Sidney 280
Cascade Aerospace (IMP Group) 114 Abbotsford 450
Nova Scotia
IMP Aerospace (IMP Group) 2215 Enfield/Hammonds Plains 350
Newfoundland and Labrador
D-J Composites 597 Gander 30

Canada’s Aerospace Industry by the Numbers


#6: Canada’s aerospace industry ranks 6th in the world*.

#3: Montréal ranks 3rd in the world as an aerospace industrial hub**.


$29 billion: total direct and indirect GDP created by the aerospace industry in 2023*.

-20%: amount of GDP still below 2019 levels.


196: number of countries Canadian aerospace industry products were exported to in 2022**.

$19 billion: total value of aerospace exports in 2023**.

13.5%: Share of Quebec exports originating from the aerospace sector in 2023**.


88,200 : number of direct jobs in the aerospace industry*.

218,000: total number of jobs sustained by the aerospace industry in Canada in 2023*.

$350: weekly earnings premium of aerospace manufacturing workers compared to all workers.

-40%: amount the aerospace average weekly earnings premium has shrunk since 2019

29%: number of workers in the space sector who identify as women or non-binary people.

## Share of Industry Employment by Region 2022*
  Manufacturing MRO
Quebec 61% 21%
Ontario 24% 35%
Western Canada 12% 38%
Atlantic Canada 3% 6%


55,000: number of new workers needed in Canada by 2025 to keep pace with industry growth and to replace workers who are retiring or leaving the workforce for other reasons#.

61%: number of space companies unable to fill vacant positions in 2021.

15,657: Latest estimate of the number of positions to fill in manufacturing in Quebec over the 2023-2033 period**.

Research & Development (R&D)

15% decline in R&D expenditures between 2018 and 2023***.**

3.6X R&D intensity higher than the manufacturing average*.

#1: the aerospace industry spends more of its revenue on R&D than any other manufacturing subsector*.

75% of Canadian aerospace R&D is conducted in the Greater Montréal area**.

Government Investment

$2 billion: amount of money the Canadian government has earmarked for the aerospace sector since 2021~.

$409 million: amount of money Quebec government earmarked for the aerospace industry 2016-2026**~.**


7%: the increase in the number of jobs in the space specific sector in 2021.

$547 million: total amount of money spent on R&D by Canada’s space industry in 2022 – a new record high.

3: number of versions of the CanadArm built and maintained by Canadian space engineers.

$37.4B: amount of money Canada intends to spend over the next 20 years to modernize and operate NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command)~.

1,300: number of jobs in the space sector sustained by Canada’s investments in the Lunar Gateway~.


Statistics Canada, calculations by Unifor research

Institut de la statistique du Québec, calculations by Unifor research

Federal and Provincial Budgets~

US International Trade Administration Guide**

State of Canada’s Aerospace Industry Report 2024 (ISED)*

Quebec Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy

CAMAQ 2023-2025 Workforce Forecasts for the Quebec Aerospace Sector

2021 & 2022 State of the Canadian Space Sector Report: Facts and Figures 2020 & 2021**

Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace Labour Market Intelligence 2018#